I go through periods where I don't buy a thing for months on end, and then suddenly i have to SPEND SPEND SPEND!
Of course, I'm in saving mode right now so I can travel, but that's only on the outside. Inside I want to Buy! I want to buy clothes, and accessories, and weird house stuff that i don't need or have room for. I want to buy plants, and garden stuff, and all kinds of random things I see....
I'm taking this urge to splurge as a sign that I need to start creating instead of consuming.
In fact...along with food not lawns, this is my new slogan; Don't consume; Create! or..Creation Not Consumption...or Be a Creator not a Consumer...
I guess I just have to decide what to Create....there's just too many choices...
"Creating something" gives you a pretty broad range of things to do...you could be crafty and make something, artsy and paint something, literary and write something, foody and cook something, outdoorsy and build something, social and meet someone, movement-y and move sumthin'....
I choose, artsy with paint, and movement-y with Beyonce. 7pm my house. I'll be there.
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