For your viewing pleasure, here are a few pictures of the trip.
B and I drove on 8 Mile into downtown Detroit. The city streets radiate out from the river like bicycle spokes, and there is a monorail that circles around the downtown area. No one actually lives here, and no one actually uses the monorail, but it is a pretty cool downtown.
We went to a Tigers game downtown and i met up with Andra! and missed the game because we were talking..oops...
Ok, I know there aren't a lot of pictures.... I always forget to take them! Below, we left Detroit to go to Ann Arbor to visit B's sis and her bf...and we all went kayaking on some river. It was such a gorgeous day! These are our Patagonia shots

We went out on the town after this, and I ended up being incredibly hung over the next know, the day I had the privilege of meeting B's entire extended family...
I have NO pictures of Brad's fam, nor proof that we were in the final 4 of a cut-throat bocci tournament, but it's true. I'm really gifted at that sport about 50% of the time. The next morning we took the Focus (American made or die) "up North" to Sleeping Bear, a camping ground on Lake Michigan known for it's huge sand dunes.
This is Lake Michigan (that's not the other side in the background, it's a huge island)
Our campsite. Michigan is soo green! (not in the liberal sense)
And drove the 5 hours back to the airport the next morning...One thing I forgot to mention is our trip to Cedar Point, a huge amusement park 2 hours out of Detroit. I haven't been on a roller coaster since 9th grade! There were a lot of families, a million kids, lots of fat white asses bouncing around, and even a couple guys on steroids wearing ripped tank tops (obviously ripped by their bulging muscles) The best ride?...THE MILLENNIUM FORCE, "the ride with the force of a millennium behind it." Rated number one by roller-coaster enthusiasts renting turquoise Ford Focuses for the week.
All in all, a great trip to a beautiful state, with a wonderful person;)
Hahaha!! Cedar Point!! I go there every three years for the "Fun Day" portion of our family reunion in Oberlin (OH). I have great memories. I am currently reading your blog from the very beginning while waiting for the evening bus from Sevilla to Madrid. I told you I'd get around to it!!