Friday, July 24, 2009

Learning to Drive - Continued

...Wow, I'm bad at this. Just give me time...especially YOU--The guy tailgating me at this stoplight, on a HILL!...I'm shiiifffftttinnnggg!!!

My mom took me to Sacramento to pick up my brand new beater. I got a quick clutch lesson there and was let loose into the world to drive the 3 hours to Santa Cruz...alone! I didn't do so badly, though I only braked once in the entire first 100 miles because I didn't wan to have to shift. I kept praying that traffic would be clear on the infamous hwy 17...No go..As soon as I hit that winding one way hill of a highway the traffic stopped, I sighed, and proceeded to lurch up it. It was SO hot, I was sweating like crazy and holding onto the wheel for dear life...and finally, I lurched into my little parking spot, and lurched through my front door, and lurched onto the couch, where I fell asleep and had lurching little dreams. Well, the next month will be interesting. I feel like I'm 15 again except with accountability...Sounds terrible, doesn't it?
I think I'll borrow the automatic for just a few more days until I figure out how to drive the steep hill...and after I scope out all the flat spots where I work.

1 comment:

  1. DUDE. I knew you could handle the stick. Way to rock it girl.

    PS, I hope we're at least friends til we're 70. That would be sweeeet :-)
