1. Working at State Parks with my housemate...Preparing to lead 750 kids "into the woods" over the next couple months
2. Making smoothies...the magic of the magic bullet has made smoothy-making a daily thing
3. Watching Northern Exposure Re-runs....My roomate turned me on to this show. so good, and aiden from sex in the city is in it
4. Reading Shit...not "shit," just a lot of stuff...Actually one day I really did read "shit." We had a tracking training for work, and we learned how to read animal scat to tell what animal made it and what it ate. So let's change this to "Reading 'shit'"
5.Family Stuff- Both my cousins are in town and put on a party for my aunt's 60th birthday. This was the first time in years our whole side of the family got together in one place.
6. Trying to surf. Actually I only tried to surf twice. Brad took me out and I was such an amazing surfer he took me out again! Actually we just got super busy with work but I know that one day I WILL stand up on on a surfboard. Until then, I'm getting good at looking like I'm really trying to catch a wave, and no, I'm totally not mad at you Brad for taking me into the scary surf where you left me to go catch some waves..
7. getting yogurt at sir-tops-a-lot. This place is delish. You put together your own yogurt with any topping you want and they charge by weight. I spent almost 9 bucks the first time I came...Now I'm getting good---euro tart, strawberry, fruit, mochi...heaven for $2
8. Exercising? I don't know...kind of? trying.
9. Using sun screen. This is a good one, because i really have been using sunscreen every day. no lie.
10. Trying to learn French. I've been watching movies in French, reading magazines, blogs, and whatevs I can get my hands on...but when they really get speaking I still can't understand crap!!!!! Then I switch to perezhilton or facebook and practice my english.
11. Seabright Brewery. I've been finding myself here on occasion, and I'm always eating chicken wings. Very bizarre.
That's the jist of my life. Don't be jealous.