Friday, October 16, 2009

The Bus

Sometimes it takes a while to really get into the travelling mode. You get overwhelmed by all the places you are visiting and forget that real travelling is not just going from place to place, but also the ride there, the beaurocracy you deal with on the way, the funny people you meet, the ice cream you eat....I swear, ice cream can really make a trip worthwhile...
Sometime around 7pm the other night...2 hours away from our destination, Puno, I suddenly felt like I was travelling! Watching people congregate in the dark to sell snacks, chicha and local food on the streets, I suddenly felt how small a person can be- me, sitting in this dirty old bus with 20 other people, whipping through dark little desert towns where real people live, about to go on to another town, and now, another country...
The world is filled with so much, it´s easy to miss the best parts if you´re not looking!

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